
Business Profile chat will no longer be supported after July 31, 2024. Learn more about the changes on chat.

Get quote requests from your Business Profile

To help you connect with potential customers, you can have a “Request a quote” button show on your Business Profile on Google.

The button opens a form made for your primary business category and sends you the customer’s quote request. You can reply directly to the customer by chat, depending on eligibility.

Important: Only select profiles in select categories can use quote requests. As of January 22, 2024, quote requests are only available via chat.

Understand eligibility for quote requests

Your eligibility to show the “Request a quote” button on your Business Profile to receive quote requests by chat depend on factors that include business category, language, and region.

  • If you already get quote requests, you can turn them off or back on at any time.
  • If your profile settings offer “Quote requests,” you can get chat quote requests. If your settings don’t offer “Quote requests,” you’re not eligible to newly start using quote requests at this time. Learn where to find the “Quote requests” setting.
Tip: lf your business moved from chat to email for new quote requests, you can still reply to past chat conversations.

How to get quote requests

Quote requests come to owners and managers of your Business Profile. Chat quote requests show in your Google Maps and Search apps under “Messages.” 

How to turn chat quote requests off or back on

If your Business Profile currently gets quote requests via chat messages:

  • To turn off the quote button, turn off profile chat messages in the Google Maps app.
  • To turn the quote button back on, turn on profile chat messages in the Google Maps app.

Learn how to manage chat for your Business Profile in Google Maps.

Get the most out of your email quote requests

Important: As of January 22, 2024, quote requests via email are no longer available. Customer quote requests are still available via chat, if eligible.

Stay organized & engaged

Find quote requests

Verified owners and managers of the Business Profile get quote requests via email. Learn how to add or remove owners and managers for your profile

To more easily find quote requests, try these tips:

  1. Make an email filter for incoming quote requests. For example, use this search to make a “Google quote requests” label. Learn how to make rules to filter your emails.
    • Tip: Quote requests come from “” and the subject line starts with “Quote request from”
  2. Set up Gmail notifications. For example, you can use the “Important notifications on” setting. Learn how to set up Gmail notifications.
  3. Next to your Google quote request emails, click Important . This teaches your inbox to mark the quotes as important in the future. Learn more about importance markers in Gmail.
Reply with your Business Profile email address
To reply to email quote requests, use the same email address associated with your Business Profile. Only verified owners and managers can reply to quotes. To make sure your customers get your emails, use your Business Profile email address, not a different one. Learn how to add or remove owners and managers for your profile.
Review past emails & responses

Find all emails in a thread

To more easily review email responses to and from a customer, set up email threads. Quotes conversations work best with threads, especially if you get a high volume of requests.

Respond promptly

Important: To encourage timely responses, we may turn off quote requests for your Business Profile if you don't reply to requests within 24 hours.

Prompt replies help promote trust and encourage engagement with your business.

To find your response rate and average response time, open a recent quote request email and scroll down. These insights use the last 180 days of data.

Learn how to group emails into conversations

Know when others respond

When anyone from your business replies to an open quote request via email, you get an email notification. The email says, “Someone from your business responded.” You can read the response to the customer.

Understand when conversations expire
  • Quote request email conversations expire one year after the last message in the conversation.
  • After expiration, replies by you or your customer bounce.

Reduce engagement

Block a customer conversation

To block a specific customer:

  1. Open the customer’s quote request or any response email in the conversation.
  2. At the bottom, click Block this conversation.


  • To protect your privacy, we don’t tell the customer about the block.
  • The customer can’t contact your business via the quote request feature for any requests, current or future.
  • You still get emails for other kinds of interactions by this customer.
  • You still get quote request emails from other customers.
  • Your customers can also block conversations. They get a link in the body of your response emails that lets them block a conversation with your business.
Unsubscribe from quotes emails

To no longer get quote emails at a specific email address:

  1. Open a quote email sent to that address,
  2. At the bottom of the email, click Unsubscribe.

Other owners and managers of your profile continue to get quote request emails at their email addresses.

Important: Stopping quote emails doesn’t turn off quote requests. The quote button still shows on your profile.

Get help from Small Business Advisors

Want to receive one-on-one guidance and tailored recommendations on how to make the most out of your Business Profile? Try booking an appointment with Small Business Advisors.

Important: This service cannot troubleshoot issues, including Business Profile verification or suspension, or Google Ads billing.

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