
Business Profile chat will no longer be supported after July 31, 2024. Learn more about the changes on chat.

Business Profile messaging guidelines

You can communicate with your customers through the chat feature on your Business Profile. For the best  experience, follow the guidelines below in addition to our prohibited & restricted content policies.

You can also block a conversation or opt out from the service completely.

Important: We reserve the right to suspend your access to chat on your Business Profile in case of serious or repeated violations of the product policies.

Guidelines for merchants

Help secure personal & confidential information

As a reminder, make sure that you don’t provide or request sensitive information during a chat with customers. Sensitive information includes, but is not limited to:

  • Credit card numbers
  • Social Security, passport, or other government identification numbers
  • Login credentials, like passwords

To help keep your customers’ information safe, don’t discuss sensitive content during chats. It’s strictly not allowed to use personal information in ways to which the other party has not consented.

Respond promptly
To help build a better experience for your customers, reply to messages within 24 hours after you receive them. This can promote trust and encourage engagement with your business. To support timely responses, we may deactivate chat for your business if you don’t respond within the timeframe.
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